Background Kiwisong began in 1996 in Orewa through Frontline Ministries. It has been at different locations in Northland including Orewa, Snells Beach, Whangarei, Kerikeri and Paihia.
Brent Chambers ( Eaglewing Music ), Jules Riding ( Elkanah ) and other staff have supported Kiwisong over the years. Kiwisong has also attracted the support of many different churches and ministries.
Kiwisong is a registered charitable entity with the charities commission No. CC44905. Please consider making regular contributions or a one off donation to KiwiSong. Please deposit directly into our KiwiSong Bank Account: BNZ Whangarei 02 0492 0106361 00 using your initials and surname as a reference.
Student Feedback
Great preaching, awesome talent in teachers and students, great songs and cool people as company, beautiful views.
I had an awesome time, even wrote a rap that I later performed at Alive Church in front of 200 people.
I learnt how to sing better. It impacted my life!
Awesome encouragement. Great teachings. A tight ship. Great relevance.
Awesome! Nothing else to say!
Wow! Looking through the website has brought back such great memories of Kiwisong 2009. I can’t recommend it highly enough!
The entire weekend was awesome! The tutors were great, good at explaining things and taught me lots. I came to the last one and couldn’t resist coming again! I learnt a lot. I got something valuable each time.
Kiwisong is a Christian based music ministry which attracts students from different churches of New Zealand who desire to develop their knowledge and vision for their own ministry or may want to learn how to serve their own church more through music ministry.
KiwiSong is directed and managed by Bryce Perrett (ex Okaihau Baptist Pastor and Deputy Principal of Kaikohe Christian School)
Students of different levels, ages and interests attend Kiwisong and are fully supported by Kiwisong Staff. Students are able to build important contacts with one another and staff and seek direction and knowledge for ministry.
Our Vision is to inspire songwriters,musicians and singers to use their gifts to bring glory to God and to impact the local community and our nation.
Our Mission is to teach and model song writing and music performance from a Christian perspective, through concerts, events, recording of songs and serving the community.
Also find us on Facebook! Kiwisong Facebook
Psalm 100:1-2 Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.
Board Of Directors:
Mr. Bryce Perrett
Mrs Angela Perrett
Mr. Paul Mathieson
KiwiSong Areas Of Interest:
1. Running Workshops
2. Concerts and Events
3. Recording Music Albums
4. Promoting Song Writing and Songs
5. Promoting Worship and Music
6. Serving the Community
7. Inspiring others to fulfill their dreams